Yoga For You

According to numerous studies held by quantum physicists, nothing in the universe is solid and everything is energy. Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Our mind, thoughts, feelings and body form an energy signature which is unique to each of…

The Power of Your Smile

A taoist master, Mantak Chia, said “A genuine smile transmits loving energy, which has the power to warm and heal”. Smile is a very simple and effective way to increase positive thinking, make you feel better about yourself, reduce negative feelings and emotions and to improve your health. It is hard to believe that such…

The Thousand-Stringed Instrument

The heart is The thousand-stringed instrument. Our sadness and fear come from being Out of tune with love. All day long God coaxes my lips To speak. So that your tears will not stain His green dress. It is not that the Friend is vain, It is just your life we care about. Sometimes the…

Enjoy your journey

I took a bus yesterday from Tallinn back to Narva, where I am staying for the next couple of weeks. The bus journey started with the usual greetings from the driver. Then he said, “Relax and enjoy your journey. This is your time. When you leave the bus at the end of your journey, you…

On Love

On Love Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, I am in the heart of God.” And think not you can direct the…

Fears and Stress or Love and Health?

“Essentially, all healing is the release from fear.” – A Course In Miracles, Helen Schucman. What is fear and what is the connection between fear, stress and health? Fear is the absence of love. Stress is our body’s response to mental or emotional pressure. Stress affects health. Fear and the absence of love affect health….

When you plant a tree…

When you plant a tree every leaf that grows will tell you, what you sow will bear fruit. So if you have any sense, my friend don’t plant anything but love, you show your worth by what you seek. Water flows to those who want purity wash your hands of all desires and come to…

Self-love, thoughts and feelings

Have you ever thought how much we depend on the opinions of other people and how we judge ourselves based on what others expect from us? Or what we think others may expect from us? Let me give you an example. Starting and writing a blog can be a real challenge. It can lead to…